Introducing the Ultimate Fitness Experience: 1:1 Personal Training!
Are you tired of trying out cookie-cutter workout routines that fail to deliver the results you desire? Do you crave personalized attention and guidance in your fitness journey? Look no further because we have the perfect solution for you—1 on 1 Personal Training at Fruitful + Healthy Fitness LLC!

Why settle for average when you can achieve extraordinary?
The 1:1 Personal Training program is designed to cater to your specific needs, goals, and abilities. Unlike group classes, where the instructor's attention is divided between several participants, our expert trainer is entirely focused on you. This undivided attention leads to accelerated progress, optimized results, and a truly transformative fitness experience.

Tailored to Perfection
F + HF understands that everyone is unique, from their body type to their fitness goals. With 1 on 1 Personal Training, you'll receive a customized training program that factors in your current fitness level, any pre-existing injuries or health concerns, and your long-term objectives. By tailoring each session to your individual needs, I ensure that no potential is left untapped, guaranteeing the best possible results.

Unparalleled Support and Accountability
When it comes to achieving fitness goals, accountability is key. That's why I am dedicated as your personal trainer, I am not just an expert in exercise techniques; I am your unwavering support system. They will motivate you to push past your limits, provide guidance on proper form, and hold you accountable for your progress. With 1 on 1 Personal Training, you'll never feel alone on your fitness journey again.

Endless Variety and Innovation
Boredom is the enemy of progress, and I understand the importance of keeping your workouts fresh and exciting. As a trainer, I am constantly innovating and introducing new exercises and techniques to keep you engaged and motivated. Whether you're into strength training, weight loss, functional fitness, or improving flexibility, I've got you covered. The possibilities are endless with 1 on 1 Personal Training!

Flexible Scheduling
I understand that your life is busy, with multiple commitments and limited time in your day. Don't worry; I've got your schedule covered. My 1 on 1 Personal Training program offers flexible scheduling options, allowing you to fit your workouts seamlessly into your routine. I can accommodate your needs whether you prefer early mornings, lunch breaks, or late evenings.

Invest in Yourself Today
Don't settle for mediocre results; discover the power of 1 on 1 Personal Training at Fruitful + Healthy Fitness LLC. With my personalized approach, unmatched support, and innovative workouts, I can guarantee that you'll achieve the lasting results you've always dreamed of.
Imagine a fitter, stronger, and healthier version of yourself. It's within your reach, and I am here to guide you every step of the way. Embark on your transformational journey now by signing up for 1 on 1 Personal Training. Contact me today to schedule your initial consultation and take the first step towards a brighter fitness future!

1:1 Online Personal Training

❖ Customized Macronutrients that change as you change

❖ Changes in nutrition protocols (Tracking Calories/macros, pictures, plate method, hand portions, etc. everything is designed for you to succeed)

❖ Nutrition coaching and education on how to track macros or help using the nutrition app, which nutrition protocol is best for you, and dietary questions

❖ Educational resources, PDFs, e-books

❖ Nutritional tips and support

❖ Individualized workout plans specific to your physique goals

❖ Customized cardio prescriptions including HIIT LISS, Circuits, etc… and weight training programs (with how-to videos and explanations)

❖ Coach's cell number for support/questions and WhatsApp for texting

❖ 24hr response time

❖ Official Weekly check-ins (forms/calls/zoom) with your coach

❖ Access to your Coach's Clients Only Group Chat for free love, hype, and support from the community of clients putting in work just like you.

❖ Access to your coaches specific exercise and nutrition app

❖ App for training protocols, progress measurements, progressive overload tracking, and syncing with fitness devices such as fitness watches and scales

❖ Knowledge, skills, and empowerment that will last you a lifetime

❖ Fitness Protocols

❖ Continued education and support

❖ Everyday life breakdown protocols ( Sleep, stress management, morning and nighttime routines

❖ Corrective exercise


❖ Everyday motivation to move your body and eat for health and energy

How does F+HF help you reach your goals?

1:1 Online Personal Training

  • Pay the investment in full, and earn a discount.


    (message for payment plan)

    ● Significant progress toward your goals

    ● Strength gains will be noticeable, and body shape will begin to change as you gain more muscle definition and lose fat.

    ● Increase in well-being, positive mindset

    ● Better form will come naturally, fewer injuries with stronger muscles, and corrective exercise techniques

    ● Body response to the program and progress is continuous and positive

    ● Noticeable change in physique and habits

    ● A new lifestyle becomes easier and more sustained

    ● Goals are getting closer to being met with the help of changing the clients’ programs and nutrition as needed.

    ● What is a reverse diet and how can it be helpful to you on your journey?

  • Pay the investment in full, and earn a discount , plus One Free Month


    (message for payment plan)

    (message for payment plans)

    ● Mindset barriers are worked through and trust is built with the client/coach.

    ● The first goals have been met. New goals are set

    ● A positive mindset takes over a fixed mindset (this will always need work)

    ● The body and mind are responsive and healthy, happy, strong, and confident

    ● Mindset toward exercise and nutrition are stable and positive

    ● Optimal sleep quality

    ● Mood and energy are enhanced

    ● Healthy Blood work

    ● Relationship with food is healthy

    ● Overall life quality is improved

  • 18-Months-

    Pay the investment in full, and earn a discount, plus not One but TWO Free Months.


    (message for payment plan)

    (message for payment plan options)

    ● New goals have been met or longer-term goals continue

    ● A positive mindset in wellness, health, fitness, and nutrition

    ● Built a powerful positive mindset and avoid a fixed mindset

    ● Your body is thriving, happy, and healthy

    ● You’re the strongest you’ve ever been

    ● Positive mood and higher energy to do more and the WANT to do more

    ● Sleep is peaceful and plenty, not waking up sluggish

    ● Blood work shows healthy #s.

    ● The heart is stronger and can handle harder cardio